The MacGahan
American-Bulgarian Foundation of New Lexington

The MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation of New Lexington
To preserve the memory of
Januarius A. MacGahan,
journalist and war correspondent.
Januarius Aloysis MacGahan
About Us
The MacGahan Foundation was formed in 1978 to commemorate the life of Januarius A. MacGahan - a journalist and war correspondent born near New Lexington in 1844. It was MacGahan's vivid dispatches from Bulgaria in 1872 to the London Daily News, detailing the atrocities of the invading Turkish forces, which helped mobilize world opinion to stop the slaughter. These dispatches earned him the title "Liberator of Bulgaria."
While MacGahan is considered a national hero in Bulgaria, he is relatively unknown in the United States and in his native Perry County. Recognizing this fact, the foundation was formed to perpetuate his memory and increase awareness of his accomplishments - particularly among the residents of Perry County.
The MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation is a non-profit organization, funded primarily by private donations.